Thursday 14 August 2014

How To Use Facebook To Growth Your MLM Business

Facebook; over 1 billion people like and comment an average of 3.2 billion times every day.

When you have a strong presence on Facebook, your MLM business is part of these conversations and has access to the most powerful kind of word-of-mouth marketing — recommendations between friends.

However a lot of Networkers struggle to find the balance.

This is how you use Facebook to growth your MLM or Network Marketing business, and as 90% will not follow the rules, the 10% which do, will build a profitable business through facebook….

Build Relationships!

Set your intention and goals when starting your Facebook campaign that you are there to build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with people.  You are there to connect, to provide value in the marketplace and actually get to know people.

A fast pitch? Forget it, does not work…

Facebook is completely transparent.  If your goals are not congruent, marred with self-serving actions or inconsistent…people will know.  Just be smart and be real. In today’s world of social media, good news and bad news travels very fast.

Optimize your profile photo, only your face!

Profile Photo – I see this so much it needs it’s own bullet point. If you really want to build relationships based on trust and mutual respect, you need a good picture where people can clearly see your face. This is the number one reason people accept friend requests. Get a good, professional photo.  At the very least, get a really clear, well lit one. I know you love your kids, but don’t use them as your profile pic.

No pictures with a bottle of juice, pills, supplements, or whatever you promote, you do not want to position yourself as "that sales guy/bitch/pusher"….

Optimize your profile information – About you – Delete "Funny" Images

If you truly want to use your profile for network marketing business, then you need to make it reflect your leadership.

If there are "funny" photos of you in your albums and If you are constantly sending pillow fights, horoscope info, pixie dust and game apps to people, you may want to shift the use of your time. Sit down and spend some time crafting your message.  What do you want people to know about you?. You need to connect people to you as a person and you as a business leader.

Strategically grow your friends list

There are two ways to go about growing the number of friends you have on Facebook…randomly or strategically.  Since we are talking about business, let’s choose strategically.  Decide what your interests are and what niche your business is in then seek out Influencers in those markets.  Find groups that are of interest, join the group and reach out to the administrators and officers of that group to build relationship with them.


It takes only a split second to like an article or comment, a very powerfull way to put YOU on the fore front.

Share relevant and purposeful content

Yes, occasionally we will care if you just dropped the kids off at school or that you just got out of the shower, but we don’t need a play by play of stuff that is meaningless.

Join the Conversation

Social media is, after all, about being social. Go engage with other people and comment on their stuff.  “Like” their post if you like it. Forward their dialogue.

Help them, genuinely.  Be of service. Recommend friends & invite people to groups. Be that connector and facilitator of relationships and you will be rewarded time and again!

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